Rosie, like her mum, loves a good cocktail

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

the F word.

 I read in the LA Times that they've done tests on peoples' ability to read others emotions by their facial expressions. Weirdly enough, those who have had Botox are far less able to read emotions on others faces! So, not only does Botox remove your own facial expression, it REMOVES your ABILITY to read others! Sheesh!

And yet, I still went and got it. Yep, that's my admission (that's what this blog is about -- trying new anti-aging treatments and reporting back). Toddled in last week to the fabulous Dr. Rady Rahban and got pumped up with Botox. First time in over a year. I'm trying to be graceful about aging, but that Rotten Kid really did get to me (see post #1). My forehead now feels like alabaster. Guess I won't be giving a shit if someone else looks like they're in pain, because I won't be able to recognize it.

The good news: Dr Rady said my face looks great from the top down -- until you get to my chin. That's where my age is showing, he said. So, I'm now a chinless wonder. Fabulous.
His solution? Filler. Fill my chin with Restylane. Or get a chin implant. I had visions of me with a giant super-hero-like lantern jaw. No thanks.

And Filler? Won't that just puff my chin out so I look like I just had oral surgery? The chipmunk effect?  I'm confused. But I do trust him. (By the way, girls, he's cute and single). He's no nonsense. He said the only laser worth getting is C02 (whatever that is -- hey wait, isn't that carbon dioxide? The greenhouse gas?), and that all others are a waste of money.

So I'm vacillating. To Fill or not to Fill?
Fill, baby, Fill?

Yeah, I know what most of you are thinking -- there she goes -- next thing she'll have duck lips and a weirdly puffy chin and she won't be aware of the horror in our faces when we gasp at the sight of her.

Hmm. Maybe Botox = ignorance = bliss?

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